I woman'd up and used the phone. Which is an accomplishment because I'm not a phone person. I ramble, have poor hearing. Even though texting is often rife with misunderstandings, I find it really difficult to talk to someone without reading facial cues and analyzing their body language.
I'm very odd like that. It's a problem.
I have been listening a lot to The Nerdist podcast lately. It's one of those things where listening to it makes me feel good. It was like when I first moved to Toronto for school a few years ago. I was at a school I was beginning to hate, missing my boyfriend and homesick beyond belief. So, I watched youtube clips of comedians which made me feel better, because laughing really does uplift your mood. I remember one summer, when I was 8 or 9, holing up in our basement watching British "Whose Line is it Anyway" during a thunderstorm, because storms scared the crap out of me.
I guess I ramble in all forms.
The point is that one of the Nerdist philosophies is don't dick around, just do it. If you want to be a stand-up comedian than you should write jokes everyday, go to open mics and stop making excuses for yourself. It's the old adage of you don't know how it will go until you try. So, if you do it for a bit and realize it's not right for you, that's cool and if it works out, that's awesome too.
It's a logical way of going about activities and goals, which is funny coming from a podcast I listen to for entertainment/comfort. I mean they coined the term "Vader pussy", this isn't exactly uber-intellectual. That would be lame anyway.
So, yes, important phone call. I'm moving my way up in life. Very, very slowly.