Saturday, November 20, 2010

"You left in a hurry, didn't speak for a week"

My roommate made a video for this Aldo Dance Contest [she's far left in the pool scene], and she needs as many likes, tweets, shares and views as she can get.

I don't usually promote these kinds of things, but I really like the video so, show your support!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello again... naturally.

Hey all!

Sorry for the radio silence. School has been my bitch for awhile, and I've just lacked motivation. I was just reading the excellent blog Being Blanche, who is going through a bit of a blogging conundrum, and it made me think of this blog and how I want to keep going, but am lacking the ambition.

That isn't to say I'm going to give up on it entirely, I'm just going to revamp it the best I can. I want to make it exciting for me and for you guys as well. All five of you.

I'm going to try to think of a direction to go in. Lifestyle in general seems best. I tried fashion, but I'm not fashion-forward enough to devote that much time to it. And I tried personal, but things just got messy.

So, if I could petition the help of you lovely people in the form of how to make a new layout or what you want to see, that would be greatly appreciated.

Much love

And in the meantime, I have my tumblr for odds and ends.