Sunday, November 29, 2009

Top 5: Late Night Backseat Tunes

Credit: Unknown

Some mellow songs for when you're sitting in the car on the highway overnight, perhaps when you're heading home over the holidays. Although if you're driving, it would be best to break them up with some upbeat stuff so you don't fall asleep.

In no particular order:

1. "Take Me Somewhere Nice" - Mogwai
2. "In The Backseat" - The Arcade Fire
3. "Strange Days" - Matthew Good Band
4. "Karma Police" - Radiohead
5. "1979" - Smashing Pumpkins

Honourable Mention:
"Star Witness" - Neko Case
"Take a Picture" - Filter
"Captain Badass" - Songs: Ohia

With love and seatbelts

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Things I Love Thursday: November 26, 2009

I have a date Saturday night. My first real date ever. Dinner and everything. I'm excited and nervous, because the only other times I've been on a date, it's been with guys that I'm comfortable hanging out with. So this is a change of pace. Anyway, I enlisted the help of my roommate Kayla to give me some make-up tips because although I'm wicked at liquid eyeliner, make-up is not something I'm generally skilled at, and I want to look amazing. She showed me the whole rigamarole and let's just say I'm pleased with the results.

Root Beer Floats

There's a girl in my Academic Writing class that has this pencil case with ice cream treats on it. The other day I was looking at it and I got an intense desire to make one. I bought ice cream last night and some root beer today. I haven't had one in forever

Parks and Recreation, and Community
I need to make up on all the shows I've been missing. Right now it's Community and Parks and Recreation. Both are absolutely hilarious, and I love Thursdays simply for the NBC line-up combined with 30 Rock and The Office. Also Louis C.K. and Amy Poehler make an adorable couple.

Peanut Butter Squares
My roommate's boyfriend decided to clean our kitchen and make us chocolate peanut butter squares while we were out for the evening. They're like homemade Reese's. He's officially the best guy ever.

With love and mascara

Monday, November 23, 2009


My last haircut was in July. I can't really be bothered with proper maintenance. I grow it out long until it's so long and damaged I can't handle it anymore and then I cut it short. I was tempted by the idea of cutting it into a shaggy pixie cut over the summer, but I like my hair too much, and the style sounds like more work than I'm willing to put in right now [I will do it eventually though].

So it goes to my shoulders.


I'm developing a love affair with my hair straightener. And although a part of me wants to continue with the cycle of growing my hair out, I think I'm going to cut my hair shorter again.

Like Jessica from What I Wore
Credit: What I Wore

It's sassy, and I can still put it into a ponytail. Opa!

With love and scissors

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009

Credit: Unknown
Things I Love Thursday

Tattoo fantasies
I've had an off and on desire to get a tattoo for a couple of years now. I didn't know what to get though, and my ex-boyfriend was so opposed to them that he said if I got one than he could get a gun. My desire at the time for one was not strong enough to warrant him getting a gun, but now... Well I think it would be really cool to get a simple design of birds along my back and side around my ribs. Not a whole lot, but a few. That way it can be easily disguised. At the same time that's the most painful place to get a tattoo, but I'm sure as hell not getting a tramp stamp. Maybe I will make it a birthday present to myself.

This has become my go-to website for procrastination fodder. I could spend all afternoon hearting the gorgeous pictures. It's kind of addicting.

On Sunday, our former Australian roommate came over to have a saucy photo-shoot as a gift for her boyfriend. We have a really cool exposed brick wall on the one side which was a perfect back drop for it. It was a helluva lot of fun, and I hope we do it again in the future. It's also making me excited for the photo-shoot that my friend Alie and I hopefully get around to doing over Christmas break.

With love and Kodak film

Choices, choices

The fortune of having two friends that work for American Eagle is that I'm going to get a couple 20% off coupons for friends and family day this weekend.

The problem is that I'm already getting a thrill over looking at possible purchases. I'm in research mode of course. It would be stupid to go without anything in mind, when it's probably going to be stupid busy. [I've never been to the Eaton Centre during Christmas and I hear it's anxiety attack inducing, so I'll make sure to go prepared].

With Christmas coming up, I'm narrowing down stuff I can allocate to my Christmas list. So although I could always use more underwear, I can shift that for later. Same for ballet flats and slippers.

What I'm really looking at is bottoms and pajamas. I bought a pair of dark wash skinny jeans in September, and I love them. Can't get enough of them. I'd wear them everyday if it were socially acceptable. So I could get another pair or a Straight Jean in dark wash. [My other jeans pale in comparison to the dark wash. Literally]

Although I am smitten by these Black Skinny Corduroys. They come in other cool colours like grey and "tobacco" but they can be a maybe for now...

Then there's pajamas. Right now I have a single black pair of pajama pants. I love them, but they're the only pair I have in Toronto. And these are adorable.
Okay, so I think the jeans are winning out in this argument. It's guaranteed I'll wear them all the time, and they're pretty classy looking. Hopefully I'll make it out of the store alive...

With love and cotton.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Top 5: Drunk foods

Credit: bsii

In no particular order

1. Pizza
Greasy, cheesy, doughy. What's not to love.

2. Poutine
Canadian treat of fries with gravy and cheese. Sounds gross, actually awesome. Especially when intoxicated.

3. Shawarma
This is a Lebanese sort of pita that is delicious when drunk. Although don't eat it too fast after consuming too much alcohol really quickly or else upchucking will occur.

4. McDonalds/fast food
It's the perfect combination of salt and sweet. The McNuggets are my favourite.

5. Street Meat/Hot Dogs
I can't vouch for New York City, but Toronto has some pretty awesome hot dogs. They're big and juicy and the perfect size meal after a night of drinking. The first Saturday night in my new house, I went out with the guys to this pretty lame club and as we were walking around to find another place to go to, we stopped at a hot dog cart. But not just any hot dog cart. It was right at the corner next to MuchMusic. I turn around and the CN Tower was right there. It was surreal. Plus my one roommate was convinced he'd seen the vendor before when he was trying to get him girls. My other roommate whispered to me that the vendor had "never met him before", but he was laughing and going along with it. It was a fun night. So yeah that's my street meat story.

What are your favourite foods to eat while intoxicated?

With love and vodka sevens

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The heart wants what the heart wants

Credit: Unknown

Even though I didn't get the job at American Apparel, I'm still lusting after their slightly expensive clothing.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Chocolate is not helping

So my essay was probably a lot worse than I thought it was.

I want to skip straight to the laughing about it part, but right now I want to curl up into a ball and cry.

Mistakes happen. And I'll probably forget about it in the long run. But I haven't gotten to the starting line yet. That's right that was a marathon metaphor.

With love

Ds get Degrees

Credit: YeeHaw

I'm beginning to loath this history essay. It's a page and 200 words less than the minimum expectation, but I just want it to be over with. It can really only be described as nothing short of messy and it's due at 4.

Now I could turn off my brain and come back to it and hand it in tomorrow with the expectation of 2% less than I would have gotten, or I could submit this craptacular travesty and be done with it.

I'll probably go with the later, and then get some junk food to drown my sorrows. I didn't have the most pleasant weekend.

When I get home, I'm going to eat some junk, make a banner and watch some TV.

Then I'll change the world.

With love and industrialization

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12, 2009

I want her haircut so bad.
Joy of joys, I finished my essay... sort of. It needs work, but it's pretty much done.

Sibling Bonding
This past weekend my little brother and sister came to visit. It was so great to see them and show them around Toronto. We went to the Eaton Centre and made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and just bonded in general. Something we didn't do a whole lot when I was at home. It was also kind of fun having them interact with my roommates. All the girls went away but the guys were here and they were gracious enough to let my little brother play video games with them. I wasn't even jealous that I couldn't go out with them later, because I was having fun with my siblings so much. Until they fell asleep at 11 and I got too freaked out to go to bed and had to wait until 4 in the morning when the guys finally came home. Oh well. I wasn't even too upset about that either.

Pep Talks
I had a pre-interview sort of thing at American Apparel on Tuesday. I say pre-interview, because it was only about five minutes long and we did it in the store, as opposed to a back room. If they want a second interview I'm supposed to hear back either today or tomorrow. Anyway I was talking to my awesome friend Alie, and she gave me a little pep talk, reminding me that I'm awesome and that even if I don't get the job, it was still an experience. Can I just say how much I love pep talks. I love to get them and to give them, even if it's just to myself. They're an amazing pick-me-up.

Hanging with just the guys
Now I love my female friends. They are a smashing group of girls. But there is something about hanging out with just guys, and I'm the only girl, that makes me feel special.

Remember the hoodie I bought on Saturday? Yeah, I'm wearing it right now. I think it's love.

With love and peanut butter cookies

August or Bust

Credit: Alie L.

Before my TiLT post [which may or may not come tomorrow, after I finish my Languages Essay], I thought I'd give a shout out to my awesome friend Alie.

Not only is she a super talented photographer [she took my header picture], she is an uber talented musician and just uploaded a new song to her MySpace page that I can't get enough of.

With love and guitar strings

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Oh no, my organs are inflamed!"

Although, in my previous post, I discussed my personal shopping manifesto to quit spending frivolously. Today, I had a "pre-interview" I guess, for a job at American Apparel. It was probably five minutes and at the end, the woman told me that if I get called back for a second interview it would be in the next 2-3 days. I think it went well. The fact that she mentioned a second interview means that there is interest there, right? If she didn't have a good first impression of me, would she really bother telling me what the next step is? I'm not going to accept any contradictions to that. My logic seems sound.

I'm hoping to get the job, if only to keep my bank account from rapidly depleting. Plus clothes discount!

With love and plain tees

Monday, November 9, 2009

Shopping Manifesto

I have a confession to make. I bought a pullover hoodie on Saturday and I'm pretty sure I haven't taken it off since. It's just so comfortable and the weather is warm enough that I don't even need a jacket [although it does look pretty sweet with a blazer].
I vow not to have too much shame in it. It is only a sweater. If it were a shirt on the other hand, that would be kind of gross.

It brings me great delight to buy something that I literally fall in love with. I admit that I sometimes buy clothes on impulse and they gather dust in my closet. And now that I'm a poor university student, I really can't go out and buy things because I may find a use for it. So I'm amassing a personal shopping manifesto [I love that word].

1. Texture is important, and the softer the better.
Polyester can go burn in textile hell for all I care. I want clothes that feel amazing to my touch and as an extension other people's touch. *winkity wink wink*

2. If you're not sure, try and wait 24 hours.
This doesn't work so well if you're in another city, but
I think it's a good tip. If you're still thinking about it the next day, it may be a keeper.

3. Always try it on.
Well duh. But I have been known to buy things because I'm too impatient for the changing room. *sigh*

4. Try and consider it in Cost Per Wear [CPW]
Nubby Twiglet explains this concept very well. Basically look at your clothes like an investment. The more you wear it, the more you get your money's worth out of it. If you buy a 100 dollar jacket and only wear it once, you wasted a 100 dollars. If you were it 100 times, that's a dollar CPW. This also gives me the incentive to try and wear what is in my closet before going out and buying new clothes.

5. Trends are rarely timeless.
Sure sometimes they get recycled but they hardly ever last. This whole neon , 80s revival is really getting on my nerves. Okay, that is my personal opinion, but I want to invest in clothes. It's the whole falling in love with things. I'm a serial clothes monogamist and trends are like flings. Fun in the moment, but ultimately doesn't last. I mean remember trucker hats?! I rest my case.
Credit: Unknown

6. Know your colours.
I don't follow that "you're a warm autumn" stuff, because I don't really understand how it works. I got three different answers based on the colour of my hair, eyes and skin. So I try and base it off of what I like and don't like personally. I've been told all my life that I look good in any colour, which is a lovely compliment, but I know not many girls have such a blessing. So be aware of what you know doesn't suit you and steer clear. And then have certain colours in mind you want to try. Right now I'm really digging midnight blue, burgundy, eggplant, mauve, cream and smoky gray. So I look for stuff that's muted and pale. Although I won't turn down an eye-catching red either. It's easy to become overwhelmed otherwise when it just seems like endless choices.

7. Sales and bargains are fun, but make sure you're not buying it because "you'll be saving money"
These are the traps where you justify spending the money because it's so cheap. I fall for it too, I understand. "Oh it's only 20 dollars marked down from 70. What a deal!" This is when you have to ask yourself: are you buying it in the hopes you'll find an excuse to wear it? Will you actually wear it? Are there other things you could spend this money on? Think of all the money you spent on impulse buys that you never wear. Instead of having all those little things you don't like you could have one great expensive item like a jacket, bag or pair of shoes that you love. Again an investment. I'm terrible with this, I admit, but I'm going to try and research good stuff to save for, and not shop when I'm bored.

8. Do your research if you can.
There are necessities like boots and coats that are on the expensive side. If there's something you need, go online and do your research. That way you can take your time with the endless options at your finger tips. You can compare prices and styles and find something that's perfect for you, rather than buying the first thing that fits in a store so that you can be done with it.

Having this all written down now is helpful. It gives me an excuse to stick with it. Hopefully it will cause me less stress and keep me out of certain debt.

With love and debit cards

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Learning to love myself

Credit: Unknown

Today, I was in H+M trying on a top. I looked in the mirror from behind and I got my first good look at all the acne scars on my back. A smattering of dots that span from my waist to my shoulders.

I sighed. I never had a problem with zits on any other part of my body until last year. I could never really get a good look at them until today. I was vaguely aware of their aftermath, but I didn't give them much thought. I'd just forget they were there.

So when I saw my scars in all their spotty glory, I felt sad for about 30 seconds and then went on with my day. Because in the end they're never going to go away. I could soak them in vitamin e and scrub them until my back goes raw, but it won't amount to much. They may fade slightly, but for the most part they are there forever.

I could feel sad about this because I don't have "flawless" skin. No, it's not perfect, but I'm not perfect. I might as well embrace it. They may not have occurred under interesting circumstances [like a white water rafting incident], but that doesn't mean I should hide them, or worry that guys will find it repulsive.

Here's the thing. Guys have far weirder body issues than girls do. They're hairier, and generally sweatier which means smellier. That's not the most eloquent way of putting it, but it's true. And I don't care. If I like the person, I'm not going to care if they have a little extra hairs sprouting on their chests or backs. It's not going to change how they make me laugh or the way they make me feel. There's more to people than their appearance.

I think the reason people hate these so-called flaws is because they're afraid of what other people will think. As if having wide hips is like wearing a sign across your chest that says "ugly" in big bold letters. And that's just silly. What I've noticed is that people don't generally notice these flaws and, if they do, they tend to like them. I went through a period where I thought my nose was too big or wide or whatever silly girls think when they're insecure. I never mentioned it to my then boyfriend but one day he said to me that he likes my nose and that it's cute like a button. The point is that if you learn to accept even the flawed aspects of yourself, you draw people to you that will love them too. If someone has crooked teeth, but still shows them off anyway, you won't notice the "imperfection", and anybody who does still notice and is bothered by it, for whatever reason, is not worth having as a friend. Whereas if all you talk about are what you hate about yourself, that's all they're going to think of you. And who will love all of you, if you don't even love all of yourself. It's a complete turn off

Sure, I could fret over these scars. I could try and cover them with make-up or clothes. No more two-piece bathing suits or low-backed dresses. God forbid someone saw them and recoiled in disgust. Or I could just own it. I kind of love the fact that they look like connect the dots. They stand out against my light skin like cigarette burns on a coffee table. Like they tell a story. And one day someone will come along and read the story like braille. And they will know a part of me that only a few know about. And I will love them.

The thing is they weren't a problem until after my ex-boyfriend left for an extended period of time. I was worried about his reaction to them when he got back. Like it would be too big of a change. I would be a different person from before he left. Well that much is true. I have changed. And these scars are a part of it. Any person I meet now will know me with these scars, and I'm okay with it.

With love and back scratches

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5, 2009

Getting things done
This may be a bit premature, because I still have a pile of work to do this month. At the same time it's nice to make a list of things to do and be able to tick them off. Like cleaning the bathroom and doing laundry. *sigh*

Whip It!
I saw this movie on Sunday and although it's not necessarily a masterpiece it was still really good. It was such an empowering movie to watch. I love to see girls kick ass and take names. It inspires my inner badass.

Found: Le Love

This is pretty self-explanatory, but nothing is better when you're "sleeping" with your back turned to a guy and he turns over and wraps his arm around you. *melt*

With love and warm blankets

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Peek a boo

Look I'm loving right now:

Exposed bras
Credit: Unknown

Credit: Unknown
It seems sexy without appearing too slutty.
Note to self: buy a lacy bra

With love and exposed skin