Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello again... naturally.

Hey all!

Sorry for the radio silence. School has been my bitch for awhile, and I've just lacked motivation. I was just reading the excellent blog Being Blanche, who is going through a bit of a blogging conundrum, and it made me think of this blog and how I want to keep going, but am lacking the ambition.

That isn't to say I'm going to give up on it entirely, I'm just going to revamp it the best I can. I want to make it exciting for me and for you guys as well. All five of you.

I'm going to try to think of a direction to go in. Lifestyle in general seems best. I tried fashion, but I'm not fashion-forward enough to devote that much time to it. And I tried personal, but things just got messy.

So, if I could petition the help of you lovely people in the form of how to make a new layout or what you want to see, that would be greatly appreciated.

Much love

And in the meantime, I have my tumblr for odds and ends.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just discovered your blog through the magic of google analytics. I'd be really interested to hear how your conundrum ends up.

    Patsy / Being Blanche
