Found: Le Love
"I can kiss you? Sweet!"
It's also opened my eyes to just how sheltered I was in my past relationship. It took two months before we kissed and another four before we ever made out [I know, I'm super lame, but he was Mormon so forgiveness please]. This time we kissed drunkenly on the dance floor.
"That means he likes me, right?"
Before I'd even broken up with my boyfriend, my new roommates/friends saw a connection between me and this guy. Let's call him Doctor [he's pre-med, which is hilarious and awesome by the way]. It's funny how you're talking with a guy casually and it turns into something more, but you don't really notice.
So yes, there was kissing, and he got my number. Within that first week we hung out four times, three of those times involved a party of some sort. Therefore we were drunk three out of those four times. I'm a class act, straight up.
But here's the thing, I am completely dumbfounded by this situation. I tend to get tongue-tied around him and don't even get me started on texting him.
"How do you properly convey "I like you" without coming out and saying it? And does the fact that he didn't text me back mean he doesn't like me?"
I over-think sometimes. The other day he came over after being out with my guy roommates and I hung out with them until 4 in the morning. I really wanted to kiss him, but there were people around and when he left I just said I was going to bed and awkwardly waved while letting my roommate show him out. Then I sat in bed afraid that he thought I was running away. So I texted him to say that I had really wanted to kiss him just then and that I thought he should know. He called me and asked if he could come back and visit. He lives close but he still came back at 4:30 in the morning just to see me. So yeah, I guess he likes me.
I also ran into him going to the grocery store and he gave me a kiss goodbye. That was Saturday. I've put in a bunch of effort so far. Now it's his turn to text me. I don't care if it seems like archaic anti-feminist dating rules. I want him to come to me for a bit.
With love and dates
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