Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Don't Over-think it.

Credit: Unknown

Don't worry too much. A badass doesn't concern herself with the consequences to the little things. I'm the kind of person that gets overly anxious over little things, like something I've never done before. I freak out that I'll do something wrong and I'll get into trouble somehow. However, over the past couple of months I've realized that instead of stopping myself over fear, I should just do it.

A perfect example is the other day I was taking the train back to Toronto from home, and half way through I had to pee. I kept running it over in my mind "I'll go when we get back to the station instead of waiting to get home". Then I realized I was giving it too much thought, and just go in the washroom on the train. So I got up and went, and felt so much better. It sounds kind of silly, but I was exerting so much meaningless stress over a little thing and when you stop and do what needs to be done, you'll be thankful in the end.

Another example is a couple of months ago I had to photocopy something at the library. I'd never done that before, and I was convinced that I needed a friend to come with me for moral support. One time, I was close to getting it done with a friend, but it didn't work out for whatever reason. Finally, I got up my courage and did it myself. Let's just say I've never felt more invincible then I did after conquering this small fear.

The list could go on and on. I told a guy I liked him, and whether or not he shared those feelings, I felt amazing afterwards for just getting the feelings off of my chest. Just on top of the world. It's completely liberating

So, I want you guys to attempt something, you may have been too afraid to do before. Be a badass. It will pay off.

"Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience." -Victoria Holt

With love and dares

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