Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Valentine's Day already?!

I understand that Valentine's Day paraphernalia starts coming out at the beginning of January. It's just accepted, like how Christmas starts November 1. But the only day specifically celebrated for love is still two weeks after February 1, people don't need to be discussing their plans until at least then.

I'm ambivalent about this day. I'm sure the majority of people are, in fact, not expecting the kinds of gifts marketing has us believe we want to give and receive. Chocolates! Flowers! Diamonds! Diamonds!! DIAMONDS!!! It is the busiest day for restaurants for a reason.

Personally, I would be happy with a hug, a kiss and a sincere wish of a happy day. The most I'd plan is making dinner together and staying in. A big Valentine's Day gesture would just skeeze me out, but most corny, over-the-top gestures skeeze me out. So maybe I'm just a weirdo.

Nonetheless, I recognize the positives of having a holiday celebrating love in the middle of winter. I would legitimately rather have this than waiting a couple more months for warmer weather. It breaks up the mind numbing monotony, for which you cannot argue.

For now, I have no plans, and I don't care. I don't have anything even remotely resembling a boyfriend so it kind of takes the pressure off. Last year, Valentine's Day, for me, started in a strip club and ended up with a guy friend of mine sleeping in my bed, more out of laziness than romance. Hopefully this year lives up to that hilarity.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Run for your life

Athleticism is not something that comes naturally to me. I definitely remember playing basketball and hating it because of all the running up and down the court. I did track and field for a couple of weeks before I lost interest. I even tried out for the volleyball team with one freaking kneepad on. Needless to say, I was not much of a joiner after that.

That doesn't mean that I reject exercise in all its forms. I just wish I could be better at it.

Have you ever seen the climax in 28 Days Later, set to John Murphy's "In the House - In a Heartbeat"? That scene is so fucking intense. It's this visceral experience where the music builds and builds as everyone is running around the mansion in a panic.

I was watching Inception the other night, and this isn't a new idea for me, but I got inspiration in a new form. Imagine how sick it would be to create a jogging playlist to the epic music you hear in movies. Not necessarily action movies but those are a good start. I feel like the best motivation to get me running is to imagine myself as some badass running after or away from some bad guys including, but not limited to murderers, monsters or zombies.

I'm sure it would beat any Pussycat Dolls or Kesha or whatever you have on your iPod.

It's also the closest you'll probably get to having a soundtrack to your life.

I made an 8 tracks mix for it.

It's a starting off point, I wanted to use songs from movies and then I realized I didn't have that many that were fit for running. Some techno, dubstep music would be just as effective. I'll probably make another one for more inspiration.

Okay, now get off your ass.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January is not for the weak

I feel like this winter is bumming me out more than usual. As in, I want to stuff my face with as much junk food as possible before sleeping for an eternity and a half, but generally just wanting to be left alone whenever possible. It's probably the fact that I'm broke and anxiously waiting for my OSAP to go through.

I can see why people shack up with someone over the colder months. Nothing helps the winter blues like someone on the 2011 equivalent of speed-dial. There's no expectation to go anywhere because that involves going outside and no one wants that. Just lots of dates with takeout and television which is down right pleasant.

Not that I'm the kind of person that seeks people to fulfill an emotional desire. That makes a sad person even sadder.

Nope, I'm going to keep on trucking until the snow's gone. What else can I do really?


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In which cat-callers talk fashion

Picture this:

Here I am, walking down one of the shiftier areas of Toronto at approximately 10 pm. I have just finished a session of bikram yoga, and the sky has decided to litter snowflakes like it's nobody's business.

Out of the blue, a young man in a hoodie walks past me and says:

"That scarf is working for you."

My first thought was, "was he insulting me?" albeit in jest considering the amount of my neck that is exposed to the elements.

My second thought was "was that a compliment?" Was he trying to tell me that he likes my scarf, in his own odd way? Perhaps.

My third thought was my amusement that my first assumption is that he was putting me down. I think that highly of myself that I can't even accept a simple compliment from a possible street urchin. Go Cathryn!

In the end, I like the cut of this guy's jib. He must be rather fashion forward to recognize the suitability of my scarf. And of course you would hear scarf compliments in Canada. So thank you random guy! I do believe my scarf is working for me.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am a lightweight

Two tall boys of Strongbow and a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade put me out. And when I get drunk I like to reach out.

Yes, I am a drunk text machine. There is no stopping me from letting the world know I fucking miss it. Whether it be my mum, or my old floormate from university that I'm still good friends with, but don't see enough.

I wouldn't consider it a problem, except for when I'm drunkenly asking for advice about this guy I met over the break, who I'm super attracted to, but sort of blew my chance with while we were in the same town. Now I'm back in Toronto and he's in Halifax, and I'm pathetic. But more on that another day.

At the very least I'm amazing at hiding my inebriated state. My spelling is immaculate and the messages are coherent. So, at least I have that?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010: A Review

No real complaints. I read over 20 books which is at least 8 more than the book a month resolution I made.

I tried bikram yoga, which I gave up on after two sessions in my week trial, but I got a great deal on 25 sessions for the next three months so there's that.

I didn't get a tattoo, but I have decided on what I'm getting and I figure a year to mull over it, isn't the worst thing I could do.

There's also multiple other things that I won't go into, but lets just say I pushed the boundaries of my comfort levels, including, but not limited to getting black out-puking-pass out drunk on two different occasions. [Although for some I'm sure that's just old hat]

I'm starting 2011 rather broke, but not something to worry about for the time being. I do want to get a tattoo, and I do want to write a story than a notebook of thoughts [although I have almost reached 18,000 words in that regard].

However, I'm not going to start the year proclaiming that 2011 is going to be the best year ever! [multiple exclamation marks]. That is fruitless. I want 2011 to be a good year, as much as anyone wants the next year to be a 'good' year, but that isn't how it works. It's like wanting to have the 'best life ever'. It's just not going to happen without a little bumps on the road. There are good days and bad days, and how you learn to deal with the bad mixed with the good marks your feelings about it.

Looking on 2010, there are plenty of moments that I want to remember, and many I would rather not. But I've learned to make a funny story out of my weaker times [passing out on my birthday for one]. I could also say that this year has been more stressful than I would have liked and for that I'm happy to see it go as much as I'm going to miss it.

So, I started last year off kissing four boys and ending the night in a strip club. This year I spent it with some old friends and although a bit tipsy from the wine, still content.

2011 will be as good as I let it be.