Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January is not for the weak

I feel like this winter is bumming me out more than usual. As in, I want to stuff my face with as much junk food as possible before sleeping for an eternity and a half, but generally just wanting to be left alone whenever possible. It's probably the fact that I'm broke and anxiously waiting for my OSAP to go through.

I can see why people shack up with someone over the colder months. Nothing helps the winter blues like someone on the 2011 equivalent of speed-dial. There's no expectation to go anywhere because that involves going outside and no one wants that. Just lots of dates with takeout and television which is down right pleasant.

Not that I'm the kind of person that seeks people to fulfill an emotional desire. That makes a sad person even sadder.

Nope, I'm going to keep on trucking until the snow's gone. What else can I do really?


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