Mexican food
Today I went out with my new friend Phillip and he showed me this place called Burrito Boyz on Adelaide. I love Mexican food, but I think my concept of it is limited to Tex Mex Lonestar fajitas. [Great food, but not really authentic]. This place was nice because a) not really a chain, b) not dirty and c) awesome food for cheap. I can't wait to show it to people.

Children's books

This semester I'm taking a Children's fiction class that is sure to be awesome. This week we have to read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and over the semester we're going to read Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. The Harry Potter one is the only book on the list I've read [a travesty I know], but I'm excited to be reading so many wonderful classic books.
Drunk roommates
Last night, my roommates went out and got drunk on 9 dollar pitchers. Since I have no class today I was up until 3 reading anyway, and I went down and hung out with them. They're very entertaining when they're drunk [and it's completely true that when you're drunk you tell all your friends you love them]. Even when they're a little aggressive. [Yes, I'm wearing a retainer. No, I don't have headgear]
Mike: We're going to double team you
Me: What?!
With love and guacamole
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