Credit: vklahti
Bikram [Hot] YogaCara is doing a 30 day hot yoga challenge and the place she goes to offers unlimited sessions for a week for 20 dollars. I went on Monday and Wednesday and lets just say I've never sweat so much in my life, and yet never felt better. Yesterday was pretty brutal, but it feels good to be active.
Train rides
I went home for a day this week to pick up some stuff left behind. After waiting for 40 minutes in the cold to go on a coach bus, I've decided I'm never taking the bus again. Train all the way. It's just such a better way to travel.
The fresh start of a new semester
Had my first class yesterday at 8 in the morning. In a movie theatre. I'm told that it's impossible to stay awake in this building because the seats or so comfortable. Anyway I digress, I'm excited for new classes and a new schedule and everything in general. Hopefully the workload won't be too bad.
On another note I feel like I should mention that it's been a whole year since my ex-boyfriend left for his mission. It's odd to think about where I was last year and where I am now, but at the same time I feel like I'm in a better place [except for other boy stuff I won't get into]. I haven't seen him in a year, yet it feels like longer. I don't know how any relationship can survive that. I still miss him, but I'm confident things will work out for the both of us.
With love and yoga mats
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