New Haircut
I've been wanting to get my haircut for awhile now. I was planning on doing it yesterday, but then my afternoon class was cancelled Monday and on a whim I went to this place called House of Lords on Yonge St. It has a cool rocker atmosphere, and it's cheap. Sure, my haircut didn't come out exactly as I wanted it, and I'm trying to figure out how to tame certain parts of it, but I like it overall.
Children's Lit Essay
Okay, this isn't due until March, but it's wonderful that I'm actually excited to write it. I plan on talking about gender politics and roles in Twilight. My professor [who is delightful by the way] hasn't specified any kind of questions or topics to talk about, but she did say we could write about Twilight if we wanted to, as she didn't choose it for the syllabus, due to how poorly written it is. I'd have to agree with her.
Fruit Punch
Went grocery shopping with Kayla yesterday, which is infinitely more fun with another person, and I bought some Arizona fruit punch, which I haven't had in a long time. It was wonderful. Plus the burrito I got at Burrito Boyz was a lovely addition.
With love and copious amounts of fruit